The club shall be known as Hatch Warren Runners.
The colours of the club shall be blue and yellow with a white trim.
The objective of the club shall be to promote all activities related to running within the local community. The club was setup to be accessible and inclusive to all, aged 18 or over, from beginners through to experienced runners. The membership is to be encouraging and supportive to other members and welcoming to new members.
Hatch Warren Runners is a registered member of the Association of Running Clubs (membership #351). Membership of ARC provides liability insurance for the member club, its officials, run leaders and club members. Please note this is third party cover and not personal injury cover.
From 1st April 2014 Hatch Warren Runners became affiliated with England Athletics (affiliation # 7692479 ).
Members are encouraged to take care in warming up, cooling down and stretching whenever they take part in a club run. Members are also required to wear appropriate running clothing and footwear. Each member must ensure that they are medically fit and understand that they participate/enter in any club activities/events entirely at their own risk. Members agree that Hatch Warren Runners shall not be liable for any accidents, injury, loss, damage or claim or expense that may arise in consequence of their participation in club activities/events. Between 1st September and 31st March the club will remove poorly or un-lit routes from the clubs run schedule. High visibility garments must be worn on club evening runs between these dates.
As a club we are obliged to operate under the rules of the Highway Code, run on pavements whenever possible, if there is no pavement run on the right hand side of the road facing the oncoming traffic. The only exception is at blind right hand bends where you will need to cross the road to negotiate the bend (so traffic can see you) then cross back when safe to do so. If you are running in a large group and no pavement is available the code requires you to run on the left hand side at all times.
The management of the club will be in the hands of the Committee.
The Committee is empowered to deal with any matters not covered by the Rules and Constitution and to fill any committee vacancies which may arise during the year.
The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary / Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Coaching Coordinator, Club Welfare Officer / DBS Verifier, Social Secretary, and up to 5 other committee members.
The Committee shall meet as and when necessary and all decisions will be by a majority vote.
The Treasurer will have the responsibility for controlling the income and expenditure of the club. At each Committee meeting the Treasurer shall advise the meeting of the current financial situation.
Receipts or invoices must be kept for all purchases.
The Clubs financial year shall run from 1st April to 31st March.
A set of accounts must be prepared by the Treasurer.
The funds held by the club can only be applied to its objectives.
The AGM shall be held within one month of the end of the clubs financial year. The Chairman in consultation with the Committee must give at least 28 days’ notice of the AGM to all club members.
The formal business of the AGM shall be to:
- Receive the annual report.
- Receive the Treasurer’s report.
- Confirm Committee members for the ensuing year.
- (see Appendix – Committee Election Process)
- Approve membership fees for the coming year.
- Discuss items proposed by members in advance and vote upon them if necessary.
- AOB approved by the Chairman and not requiring a vote.
Motions to be discussed at the AGM must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting.
The rates of subscription shall be recommended by the Committee on an annual basis.
Any person wishing to run with Hatch Warren Runners must complete a membership form and pay the appropriate subscription within a month of first running with the club. Current members will also be required annually to provide a completed membership form with their subscription. Membership forms can be downloaded from the club Facebook Group or the club website. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to ensure that all active members have paid their subscription.
Membership renewals are due within one month of the start of the new financial year (by 30th April). Any memberships not renewed by this date will be have deemed to have resigned from membership.
Membership of the Club commences on the actual day of completion of the application and payment of the membership fees. Membership of the Club shall be open to any amateur male or female of a minimum age agreed by the management committee (18 years). All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the Club will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of practice that the Club has adopted.
The committee retain the right to refuse membership to any runners, if they have been subject to any disciplinary process at their previous English Athletics or ARC affiliated running club.
Any person guilty of conduct liable to bring the name of the Club into disrepute or guilty of an offence against another club member or any act including communication considered inappropriate by the committee, will render themselves liable to either suspension or expulsion from the club.
The club can only be dissolved through a resolution called for that purpose at a committee meeting. If the club dissolves any surplus cash will be donated to charity.
A copy of the Rules and Constitution shall be available on the clubs website and Facebook group.
All spaces that the club obtains for the London Marathon through its England Athletics Affiliation will be available for the clubs internal ballot. All members are eligible for the club ballot subject to satisfying ALL of the following criteria:
- 1. Must currently be a valid first claim club member who also held a first claim membership in the 2 previous years prior to 1st April of the ballot year. (Secretary to verify).
- 2. Must have entered and been rejected from the current London marathon ballot (proof required).
- 3. Must have entered, and completed 5 paid running events as a representative of HWR during the 12 month period ending 31st October of the ballot year. Representing the club in the Southern XC League can also be counted in this total. (Detail required; Virtual events do not count).
- 4. Must agree to run in club T-shirt/Vest.
- 5. Must undertake, in event of injury, to transfer their place to a reserve ballot member who also agrees to these terms.
- 6. Club ballot places are to be allocated using a tombola type draw, at an agreed event. Member doesn’t necessarily need to be present, as long as their slip is handed to a committee member in good time.
- 7. Club membership renewal was paid on time – by 30th April of ballot year (treasurer to check).
- 8. Did not run the London Marathon in the year of the ballot.
- 9. If any member has been successful in a club London Marathon Ballot, they will be excluded from future London Club Ballots for a period of 5 years.
- 10. Subject to satisfying all the above criteria, any club member is eligible to enter the club London Marathon ballot.
Appendix – Committee Election Process
The management of the Club is vested in a committee consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary / Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Coaching Coordinator, Club Welfare Officer / DBS Verifier, Social Secretary, and up to 5 other committee members.
All positions are to be elected by either secret ballot or open vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
All committee members will retire each year but will be eligible for re-appointment.
Any paid up first claim member is eligible to serve on the committee; however those who can demonstrate an applicable skill set, experience or aptitude, and commitment to the club are particularly welcome to apply. Such members will ordinarily be asked to join the committee and, with their consent, be co-opted on to it. At the next AGM following this, they can be formally elected by the membership. If a member is identified by the committee as having a particularly valuable skill set, experience etc., but has not applied to join the committee, they may be approached and asked if they would consider being co-opted/elected.
Candidates for the following core posts shall be elected specifically from the serving Committee at the AGM:
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Coaching Coordinator
If there is only one candidate for any particular post, voting is deemed unnecessary.
The serving committee has the authority to create, and make redundant, any non-core post.
Seven members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
Each person of the committee shall have one vote, but in the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have the deciding vote.
The Committee shall have the power to invite any person to discuss items of interest.
The Committee may form Sub-Committees (e.g. Race Sub Committee, Social Function Sub Committee etc.) and co-opt members onto these sub-committees.
The Club will appoint a welfare officer or officers. The welfare officer(s) will also act as ‘Membership Representative(s)’
Candidates for the Committee, including co-opted members, must be both nominated and seconded by paid up members. All nomination papers must be received by the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the AGM. Any individual member may only nominate and second one proposal in any AGM. The list of Nominated candidates must be published on the Clubs Facebook group at least seven days before the AGM.
Only paid up first claim members may vote at the AGM
Those members unable to attend the AGM may apply in writing to the Secretary for a postal ballot, not less than seven days prior to the meeting. An electronic voting system will also be made available for those unable to attend.
Discipline and appeals
- All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted in writing to the Secretary or Chairman.
- Three members if the committee including either the Secretary or Chairman will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of a complaint being lodged. The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership.
- The accused are allowed to bring a witness to the disciplinary meeting.
- The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 14 days of the hearing.
- There will be the right of appeal to the Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within 7 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal in writing.
Use of Social Media by Members – General
A small number of people; such as committee members, are authorised to speak on behalf of HWR however most of us will speak not on behalf of; but about HWR in club forms, both private and public. As members, we are all part of the conversation. Social media is of great benefit to us as individuals and to HWR – most of us use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch and find out what’s going on.
The following points should be kept in mind to ensure that we always apply common sense in our use of social media:
Codes of conduct
HWR constitution requires that we all treat each other with respect and not engage in actions which would bring the club into disrepute – this includes how we conduct ourselves in all our activities with the club, including social media and networking. Have fun, share the spirit of the club, but be respectful online just as you would be in person.
Dos and Don’ts before posting / interacting on Social Media
- Think twice before posting. If you wouldn’t want your employer, parents, friends, colleagues or future employer to see your post, don’t post it.
- Be respectful. Be positive. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
- Remember many different audiences will see your posts including club members, potential members, children, members’ relatives and friends.
- Avoid posting inflammatory, extraneous, objectionable or off-topic messages that may provoke others into an emotional response (trolling/flaming). Avoid topics that may be controversial, like politics and religion. Don’t post anything that you wouldn’t say openly in a workplace such as comments about drug use, profanity, off-colour or sexual humour, ethnic slurs, or personal insults.
- Be in the right state of mind when you make a post. Don’t post when you’re angry, upset, or your judgment is impaired in any way. Remember, the Internet is permanent!
- If any member has a genuine concern about the club or the way club business is conducted, they should, in the first instance, approach a committee member, rather than ‘do our dirty laundry in public’.
- Remember That HWR committee reserve the right to delete any post or comment within any club forum, without warning or notice. Persistent flouting of this code may result in withdrawal of membership.