
Verena Hutcheson

Verena (Vee) joined Hatch Warren Runners in autumn 2017 after having run for a few months over the spring/summer and realising that, as the nights got darker, evening running was much safer in numbers! Plus, realising that running in numbers is far, far more motivating and rewarding than going out alone!

Since joining HWR she has completed 10k, 10-mile races and half marathons. Not yet a marathon, but never say never, eh?!

Vee says “For me, being part of the club is all about having company on runs, training to be fitter and stronger and having the headspace away from work and family commitments. I had a baby in the summer of 2023, so now fitting in runs as “me time” (primarily for sanity reasons) is even more important. I’m a strong advocate that exercise and fresh air improve mental wellbeing, so it’s very important to me to support others in their running journey and to ensure that they feel happy and comfortable doing that as a member of our club. The club has enabled me to achieve running goals I’d never have thought possible and to meet so many inspirational and lovely people”.

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